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2022 马 来 西 亚
美 食 文 化 节
Malaysia Food & Culture Festival 2022
美食当道 文化为伴
中国马来西亚商会 ·上海联合马来西亚驻沪总领事馆,马来西亚旅游局于2022年11月19日至20日共同举办“2022马来西亚美食文化节”。11月19日上午,本次美食文化节在上海浦东嘉里大酒店酿餐厅正式开幕。
MayCham China in Shanghai, together with the Consulate General of Malaysia in Shanghai and Tourism Malaysia, launched the "Malaysia Food & Culture Festival 2022" from 19th to 20th November, 2022. In the morning of 19th November, the opening ceremony was officially held at The Brew, Kerry Hotel Pudong in Shanghai.
Both the MCs for the festival were Malaysian students. The welcome speech was delivered by the Vice Chairman of MayCham China in Shanghai, Mr. Khor Soon Lee, and the guest of honor Tuan Syed Farizal Aminy, Consul General of Malaysia in Shanghai, delivered his opening speech and officiated the opening ceremony with the Tourism Consul, the Chairman & Vice Chairmen of MayCham China in Shanghai and the representative from Hernan International Trading, the exclusive sponsor for durian products. In addtion, the Immigration Consul, Trade Consul, Investment Consul and other representatives attended the ceremony.
美食文化节在气势磅礴的舞狮表演中拉开序幕,留学生们也带来了传统的马来舞蹈,更有拉茶冠军Mr. Shah为大家呈上精彩的拉茶表演。
The festival started with an animated lion dance performance followed by traditional Malay dances performed by Malaysian students, and a lively “teh-tarik” act by Mr Shah, a teh-tarik Champion.
在为期两天的活动中,现场汇聚了12家马来西亚特色展商,他们向公众展示了马来西亚著名的“猫山王”榴莲、燕窝,怡保白咖啡,正宗的马来西亚美食,如椰浆饭、沙嗲、咖喱叻沙、海南鸡饭、“江鱼仔”干货,叁巴酱,传统娘惹糕和休闲饼干等。另外,现场还展示了马来西亚当地”Penan Culture“的手工包和工艺品,以及由一群马来西亚年轻人通过直播平台”ZOMOK“进行的现场直播。
There were 12 Malaysian exhibitors during the 2-day festival, showcasing Malaysia's famous “Musang King” durian, birdnest, Ipoh white-coffee, authentic Malaysian cuisine such as nasi-lemak, satay, curry laksa, Hainanese chicken rice, “Ikan bilis” and sambal sauce, traditional nyonya kuihs and biscuits. Handmade bags and handicrafts by the indigenous “Penan” community were also showcased as well as an exciting live streaming by "ZOMOK“, a group of young Malaysians.
Tourism Malaysia promoted the Malaysia batik culture, Malaysia's natural ecology and cultural tourism destination through in this festival.
This event attracted the public's attention, not only to enjoy the authentic Malaysian buffet lunch at The Brew, but also enjoy the food and culture offerings and the charm of Malaysian hospitality at the festival.
Last but not least, we wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to our co-organisers, all our sponsors and partners for their strong support and committment at the festival which made it such a successful and memorable event.